
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

25 Oct 2015


Time for a Palestinian Referendum?

Andrea Peyser has written an article in the NYPost titled Taxpayers should not be funding this anti-American hate-spewer

When the Malachim visited Avrohom the Torah calls them Anashim, men. When they arrived to Lot the Torah refers to them as Malachim. Rashi says that when the Shechina is with them they are called men. Without the Shechina they are Malachim. This Rashi seems contrary to simple understanding.

Rav Shloime Volbe says that the Rishonim debated whether man is greater or Malachim are greater. From here, he says, we clearly see that man is greater. Only on a man does the Shechina rest. When they were at Avrohom's house the Shechina rested on them and therefore had the status of man. Whereas when they arrived to Sedom, the Shechina did not rest on them and they reverted to mere Malachim.

Always remember that the Shechina cannot rest on a Malach, only on you! 

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