Lakewood Police Officer Rob Meyer Does Hashavas Aveida
The Lod District Court ruled Wednesday that a Jehovah's Witnesses baptism ceremony may take place on Saturday at the MetroWest Sports Center in Raanana.
Marco Rubio Makes the Case: Iran Deal Must Include Iranian Recognition of Israel’s Right to Exist
With each passing day, we see how the Erev Rav have overtaken every aspect of control in the Land of Israel. They are trying to make sure that Israel is no longer a 'Jewish' state, but a state of all its citiizens (may H' have mercy). Guess they want to be the new mini-U.S. They are trying to win a losing battle. Their adversary is none other than the Creator; one wonders how low they can go when they have no fear of Heaven at all; for them there is a never too low.