
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

20 Jun 2014

Not a single donkey

Moshe complains about the accusations hurled against him and says, "Lo Chamor Echad Meihem Nasasi", I didn't even take a single donkey from them (Korach 16:15). Rashi says this refers to when he came down to Mitzrayim to redeem them on a donkey, and he paid for it from his own money. Rav Shimon Schwab asks, why would Moshe think that he should have taken the money from Bnei Yisroel.

Rav Schwab answers that the gemara in Sanhedrin (98a) says that when the geula comes, if we are zocheh Moshiach will arrive on clouds, if not then Moshiach will come come as a pauper on a donkey. Why? The whole world needs to know that Hashem is bringing the geula and Moshiach has no power by himself. If Bnei Yisroel are Maaminim and Ovdei Hashem then Moshiach can come in grand fashion and we will all place thanks in Hashem and not Moshiach. But if we do not recognize Hashem's hand, then Hashem will need to send a Moshiach who is powerless and destitute to show that it is not his charisma, brains, or money that will release us from the galus.

Moshe was the Goel in Mitzrayim. Bnei Yisroel was not Zocheh and Moshe came riding into town on a donkey lacking any pomp or grandeur. He came with the stick in his hand and the shirt on his back. To show his poverty he should have asked Bnei Yisroel to pay for his donkey. Even then he did not, since he did not want to take anything from any member of Klal Yisroel.


  1. ..."Then Hashem will need to send a Moshiach who is powerless..."
    Ridiculous. The most ridiculous statement I ever heard.
    "A powerless Moshiach"?!! . And because "we' didn't deserve him"?! (Since when is deserving Moshiach a prerequisite for his coming?)
    We would have enough problems believing in a Moshiach that has powers, let alone one who doesn't! Just the opposite: The fact that he 'could come from the clouds' (T'cheas Hamayseem?), shows that it would be miraculous. OK, I'M sending you Moshiach...you waited and suffered for 2000 years...BUT, he's powerless. Total ignorance. And I don't care who said it!

  2. To Anon #1, that's not the way to counter a Rav's interpretation. He knows much better than you or I. Torah learning is infinite and those studying it have many ways of interpreting and they are all right. To call it total ignorance is extremely disrespectful. Your attitude proves what a hard time Moshiach will have when every Jew thinks he is the chief and the true interpreter of everyhting. Moshiach will come any which way, with or without the people's approval. He is anointed by Hashem, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was and will prove to have powers that will be supernatural, as he is the Servant of Hashem.
