
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

1 Dec 2013

Gratitude is an attitude

A prayer that relates briefly to the story of Hanukkah and Purim, [Al Hanisim is] inserted into the 18th benediction of the Amidah ("Modim") and into the second benediction of Birkat Hamazon [the grace after meals]("Nodeh L'kha"). 
...Since Al Hanisim serves as an expression of thanksgiving, it is most fitting that it is placed into the benediction called Hoda'ah ("Thanksgiving").

Since the al Hanisim prayer acknowledges that the Chanukah festival was established l’hodos u’l’hallel — to “thank and praise" G-d, I thought it would be interesting to post about an article which discusses gratitude.

Many people may think of gratitude as a "passive" gesture -- you wait for something good, then feel grateful, said David DeSteno, a professor of psychology at Northeastern University, in Boston. DeSteno studies the effects that thankfulness can have on people's behavior.

But a growing body of research is suggesting the opposite is true, according to DeSteno: By choosing to feel gratitude, people can make positive changes in their lives.
I came across the following quote attributed to anonymous in a book titled Real Moments by Barbara De Angelis. After you read it, perhaps you will feel gratefuul for what's in your life at this moment. 
"Just think how happy you'd be if you lost everything you have right now - and then, got it back again..."

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