Two letters of the Shema are written extra large in a Torah scroll: the ayin, the last letter of the word Shema (“hear”) and the dalet, the last letter of the word echad (“one”). Taken together, these two letters spell aid, meaning “witness.” By reciting the Shema, we bear witness to the Creator’s oneness.
The Hebrew letters signifying the year now beginning, 5774, are Heh Tav Shin Ayin Dalet, which are the initial letters of the phrase: H’ayo T’ihyeh Sh’nat A’liyat D’AAT, “It shall surely be a year of the ascent of DA’AT”. Da’at means knowledge and understanding of G-d.
Comments at include the following proposals for the rashei tevot of this year.
תהא שנת עידנא דחדוותא
ת הא ש נת ע וזר ד לים
ת הא ש נת עד מתי
תהא ש נת עד י עד
ת הא
ש נת
ע קבתא
ד משיחא
תהא שנת עולם דתי
I would like to propose ת הא ש נת עד , a year that we act as an aid, a witness to Hashem's oneness.
Also, interestingly enough, last week Tomer Devorah had Daniel Pinners article on last week's parasha. In the parasha, H' forewarns not to encroach on Seir, the territory of Eisav 'AD' (until) the time of Moshiach'. This year we have 'AD' (5774). Does it mean something? Can we connect the dots? We pray every day for Moshiach!