
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

21 Sept 2012

Shabbat Shuva

Rabbi Zvi Teichman writes about this week's parsha and repentance in an article titled Parshas Vayailech - Reality Check.

The Holy Shelah, quoting the Sefer Chareidim, cites six segulos that can affect forgiveness:

(של"ה מסכת יומא פרק דרך חיים מו) 1) Answering יהא שמיה רבא..., the response in Kaddish of yehei shmei rabba, with great zeal.

2) Adhering with enthusiasm to the laws of Shabbos.

3) Reciting daily the שירת הים, Az Yashir, with a vociferous joy as on the day we experienced the splitting of the sea.

4) To suffer easily the taunts and insults of others, being מעביר על מדותיו, exercising restraint in not getting annoyed by others.

5) התבודדות; the art of detaching oneself in isolation from normal routine in order to explore and develop oneself through meditation and introspection.

6) To listen intently to the words and advice of the wise who address, and seek to inspire, the masses.

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