
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

14 May 2012

Paying attention

A New Jersey town took to ticketing pedestrians caught texting while walking after a rise in jaywalking incidents. Police in Fort Lee., N.J., say people are constantly putting themselves at risk of being hit by cars because they do not pay attention while walking.
 ...Offenders can be charged $85 per offense — the fine for jaywalking. In the last month and a half, 117 tickets were issued, according to the report.

The other day my mother told me how she missed the days when you walked ito an elevator and people would talk to you. Nowadays, everyone is busy talking on their cell phones and nobody greets you anymore.
This afternoon I noticed a woman strolling a carriage. Beside her was a young boy whom she must have just picked up from school. But, instead of giving him her undivided attention, she was busy talking on her cell phone. "What a message she was sending to her child," I thought to myself. After a whole day of separation, the mother wasn't interested in what the child would tell her about his day but was more interested in talking to thin air.
So, let's not wait for a ticket to make us more aware of our surroundings. Let's pay attention to one another and let's pay attention to Hashem.

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