
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

23 Jan 2012

The siyum

Approximately one year ago, the members of the shul where my husband davens decided to take upon themselves to learn mishnayot leilui nishmat a rebbe who had passed away many years before. The idea was for the members to complete the entire mishnayot within the year and have a siyum dinner the day of the rebbe's yahrzheit.

Someone signed my husband up for one of the more difficult masekhet mishnayot. Since then, my husband assiduously reviewed the masekhet every Friday evening after our meal, as well as after the Sabbath noon meal. Two weeks ago, he finally completed the masekhet.

This evening, the shul will be marking the yarzheit with a siyum dinner. As I woke up this morning, I contemplated what made my husband follow through on the undertaking. Surely, he is a man of integrity and tries to fulfill what he promises. But, it is more than that. Even if no one in shul would be any the wiser if my husband hadn't completed the masekhet, the One Above would have known. We live with the knowledge that we are accountable to Hashem each and every day.

As the members of the shul joyfully celebrate accomplishing a momentous task, I hope they will undertake a new goal for the coming year.

1 comment:

  1. Yasher Koach and Mazel tov! May your husband be zocheh to many more Mishnayos!
