
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

25 Oct 2010

Too perfect

After reading an interesting article by Gila Manolson titled Beauty Industry Vs Modesty, I came across two articles about beauty and modesty.

A seaside city in Italy is planning to ban miniskirts and other revealing clothing to improve what the mayor calls standards of public decency.

The article about beauty was unbelievable. It is shocking how many people follow the current standards of what defines beauty, willing to alter their appearance to achieve the ultimate perfection (or imperfection.)

Call it the flight from perfection. The gap-toothed smile flashed by some of today's top models is leading to a Stateside boom in quirky dental treatment in place of the perfect, straight white smiles for which young Americans have historically endured years of treatment.
...Last week the New York Times reported that demand is growing for customised imperfect veneers despite the cost of up to $2,500. Standard veneers cost around $700. "The white standard got too white," one Manhattan dentist told the paper. "The perfection standard got too perfect."

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