
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

11 Mar 2010

Would they be pleased?

In the previous post, I discussed attending a tea last night in honor of the 75th yarzheit of Sarah Schenirer. (the yarzheit begins this evening)
The keynote speaker related how she told her students year after year at the time of the yarzheit to imagine that Sara Schenirer was visiting their households. Would she be pleased with the kashrut standards of the households? Would she be satisfied with the meals these young women were serving to their children? Would she be pleased with the atmosphere at the Shabbos table?
Perhaps it is a good idea to devote a moment or two at the time of a parent's or grandparent's yarzheit to reflect upon the same questions. Would our parents be pleased with the directions our lives have taken?
The speaker also noted that on a yarzheit, a person is judged anew. She asked that if the person is judged at the time of his death, what is the meaning of being judged again year after year? She answered that a person is judged not only for his actions but for the far reaching consequences in future generations. Thus, when a student or a grandchild of a student of Sara Schenirer performs a mitzvah based upon what the great educator taught, those positive deeds are added in her favor and her soul achieves a higher elevation.

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