
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

20 Jul 2009

The shiksa - I mean - shidduch crisis

Last night, I saw a posting on OnlySimchas for the engagement of Ivanka Trump to a Jewish man. Subsequently, I read that she is planning to convert and has contacted an Orthodox Rabbi regarding the conversion process.
A while back, I read that Chelsea Clinton was supposed to get married this summer to a Jewish man - yes she is -no she isn't.
Years ago, I was shocked when a Jewish doctor married a famous actress who was 18 years his senior. The woman was past child bearing age and I was upset that this man would sacrifice having children, sending a message to his parents that if you expected Jewish grandchildren from your son, you can forget about it.
Why is Ivanka's groom so enamored with her? Is it because she is so beautiful? Beauty dissipates.
Is it because she is fabulously wealthy? In these troubling financial times, one sees how easily the money you had today can be gone tomorrow.
The real question he should be asking about his future wife is whether she can make a good chulent. I would venture to say that a woman who did not grow up with an upbringing of a weekly Sabbath chulent will be unable to produce the delectable soul food that his mother has served him throughout the years, no matter how hard she tries.
On a more serious note, there was an article in the Hamodia, this week, about a global shidduch event.
L'Chaim invites you to join its eighth biannual shidduch event during the nine days, July 21-30.
Once again, L'Chaim encourages women in communities throughout the world to come together in arranging, hosting and attending local...shidduch meetings.
This inspiring initiative offers participants the opportunity to transform chodesh Av into chodesh Menachem Av.
Please register your meeting before Monday, July 20. ..If you wish to attend a meeting, you can obtain information about locations and dates as of Monday, July 20. Send your email to
Times are hard. Let's help bring about shidduchim and may those searching for the right one merit their zivug hagun bekarov.

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