
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

13 May 2020


Be Optimistic

Jewish Americans Say They Are Scapegoated For The Coronavirus Spread

Biden, Comey, Brennan Submitted Flynn ‘Unmasking’ Requests

The requested list

Outrage after senior police officer asks for list of all Jews in Ukrainian city

Yesterday, many people tuned in to watch the Hatzalah-Thon and were treated to emotional songs, wonderfully talented singers, exceptional speakers and watching the beginning of writing a new Sefer Torah. Someone left a comment about a person who is left handed whether they can write a letter. I found an interesting article and anecdote regarding writing a letter in the Sefer Torah over here

9 May 2020

Eidim Zoomemim

My husband and I were taking a walk this morning when we bumped into another couple, Mr. and Mrs. B. (didn't literally bump into them - we did observe social distancing) Anyway, we started talking and the conversation gravitated towards the topic of weddings being celebrated (or not) during these times.
Mrs. B. told us about a couple who were set to get married next month, but the groom is stuck in Australia while the bride lives in Israel.
I said, "No problem, let them get married via Zoom."
 Mr. B. immediately quipped, "And they can have eidim Zoomemim as witnesses."

New York Times Claims Israeli Army Is Known for ‘Pioneering Cutting-Edge Ways to Kill People’