Yom Kippur and Shabbos
The Labour Party Is Institutionally Anti-Semitic, Fumes Maajid Nawaz
Donate to Efrat - Saving lives
Yom Kippur: Throwing Away Our Arrogance
The Nishma Research Profile of American Modern Orthodox Jews – Surprise, But No Surprise
הרב הראשי הגר"ד לאו בשיחה ליום הכיפורים
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"
the Lubavitcher Rebbe
"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."
Rabbi Nosson Scherman
29 Sept 2017
28 Sept 2017
Two messages before Yom Kippur
Slovie Jungreis Wolff talks about the secret to achieve happiness.
The Hebrew word for happiness is שמחה - simcha, but, if you change the nekudot, it can be read as שמחה - shemacha - to erase, to make peace and forgive by not holding on to grudges.
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise talks about what transpired to him as he returns to the House floor. Watch him in the second video below.
And it starts with G-d. When I was laying out on the ball field, the first thing I did when I was down and couldn't move anymore, was pray. It gave me an unbelievable sense of calm, knowing that at that point it was in G-d's hands.... It gives you that renewed faith in understanding that the power of prayer is something you cannot underestimate.
The Hebrew word for happiness is שמחה - simcha, but, if you change the nekudot, it can be read as שמחה - shemacha - to erase, to make peace and forgive by not holding on to grudges.
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise talks about what transpired to him as he returns to the House floor. Watch him in the second video below.
And it starts with G-d. When I was laying out on the ball field, the first thing I did when I was down and couldn't move anymore, was pray. It gave me an unbelievable sense of calm, knowing that at that point it was in G-d's hands.... It gives you that renewed faith in understanding that the power of prayer is something you cannot underestimate.
A pure soul
'The Jewish People lost a pure soul'
His father, Shimon, said: "Today the IDF lost one of its best soldiers, a commander in the Israel Defense Forces. Today, the Jewish People lost a pure soul, between [Rosh Hashanah and] Yom Kippur. For 22 years, we received a gift, and we need to return it - and we have returned it. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. But we accept it. "
"Everyone here, if they can do something small for the smooth passage of his soul, another drop of mitzvah, another drop of tefillin, one Shabbat, two Shabbatot. And whoever is secular - it doesn’t matter, take something upon yourself. I think he would be very happy."
Protecting the Children
Watch: 'Son of Hamas' stuns PA delegation at UNHCR
Kol Nidre: When the melody meets the moment
His father, Shimon, said: "Today the IDF lost one of its best soldiers, a commander in the Israel Defense Forces. Today, the Jewish People lost a pure soul, between [Rosh Hashanah and] Yom Kippur. For 22 years, we received a gift, and we need to return it - and we have returned it. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. But we accept it. "
"Everyone here, if they can do something small for the smooth passage of his soul, another drop of mitzvah, another drop of tefillin, one Shabbat, two Shabbatot. And whoever is secular - it doesn’t matter, take something upon yourself. I think he would be very happy."
Protecting the Children
Watch: 'Son of Hamas' stuns PA delegation at UNHCR
Kol Nidre: When the melody meets the moment
27 Sept 2017
26 Sept 2017
The visit
Police: Har Adar terrorist was issued Israeli work permit
Holocaust Denier In Belgium Ordered To Visit Concentration Camps And Write About Them
Calls to expel Jewish members from Labour cheered at conference
Yom Kippur Is the Day of Forgiveness
Police: Har Adar terrorist was issued Israeli work permit
Holocaust Denier In Belgium Ordered To Visit Concentration Camps And Write About Them
Calls to expel Jewish members from Labour cheered at conference
Yom Kippur Is the Day of Forgiveness
25 Sept 2017
24 Sept 2017
23 Sept 2017
Fast of Gedalia
Former Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks launches High Holy-Day video series
The Journey Of My Life // An interview with Rav Dovid Moshe Lieberman, Chief Rabbi of Antwerp
William Jacobson writes about Rasmea Odeh over here.
The Journey Of My Life // An interview with Rav Dovid Moshe Lieberman, Chief Rabbi of Antwerp
William Jacobson writes about Rasmea Odeh over here.
20 Sept 2017
Rosh Hashana תשע"ח
Who By Water
Rabbi Moshe Hauer Encourages Your Participation - INTECHIGENCE: Intelligent Use of Technology
Parshas Ha'azinu: A Dose of Inspiration - Why Jews Sing So Much
Keith Ellison Compares Illegal Immigrants To Jews Under Nazi Control [VIDEO]
Below are some acronyms for Shenat תשע"ח
תהא שנת עולם חדש
תהא שנת עשיית חסד
תהיו שלמים עם חייכם
תגיד שלום עם חיוך
תשובה שוברת עול חטא
תהא שנה עמוסת חתונות
תגיע שעת חירות עולמים
Read more over here.
May we do our part to increase Chesed, redt shidduchim and do teshuva so that this year will be one of תקיעת שופר על חמור בעז"ה
Shana Tova!!
Rabbi Moshe Hauer Encourages Your Participation - INTECHIGENCE: Intelligent Use of Technology
Parshas Ha'azinu: A Dose of Inspiration - Why Jews Sing So Much
Keith Ellison Compares Illegal Immigrants To Jews Under Nazi Control [VIDEO]
Below are some acronyms for Shenat תשע"ח
תהא שנת עולם חדש
תהא שנת עשיית חסד
תהיו שלמים עם חייכם
תגיד שלום עם חיוך
תשובה שוברת עול חטא
תהא שנה עמוסת חתונות
תגיע שעת חירות עולמים
Read more over here.
May we do our part to increase Chesed, redt shidduchim and do teshuva so that this year will be one of תקיעת שופר על חמור בעז"ה
Shana Tova!!
19 Sept 2017
Chochma and Binah
Men are from Chochmah; Women are from Binah
This Could Have Been Your Child
אב חרדי קפץ לנהר הירדן כדי להציל את בתו - וטבע למוות - Who by water
Rav Chaim’s Surprising Rosh Hashana Tradition
Men are from Chochmah; Women are from Binah
This Could Have Been Your Child
אב חרדי קפץ לנהר הירדן כדי להציל את בתו - וטבע למוות - Who by water
Rav Chaim’s Surprising Rosh Hashana Tradition
18 Sept 2017
Being a meilitz yosher
Jeremy Corbyn will back change to allow tough line on antisemitism
Three Shofar Blasts
LPD officer tracks down and returns Mexico Yarchei Kallah student’s wallet, with the help of the Lakewood Shopper and TLS (PHOTO)
UK study confirms what we knew: Strong link between anti-Israel and antisemitic views
Remarks by President Trump and Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner on a Call to Jewish Leaders
Three Shofar Blasts
LPD officer tracks down and returns Mexico Yarchei Kallah student’s wallet, with the help of the Lakewood Shopper and TLS (PHOTO)
UK study confirms what we knew: Strong link between anti-Israel and antisemitic views
Remarks by President Trump and Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner on a Call to Jewish Leaders
17 Sept 2017
16 Sept 2017
15 Sept 2017
Who are they calling fascist?
Parshas Nitzavim/VaYeilech - Where Do You Stand
Just watched a few minutes of the Ben Shapiro Protest @ UC Berkeley and I already heard him being called a fascist, as well as all Republicans and the entire state of Israel.
Harboring a Grudge
Just watched a few minutes of the Ben Shapiro Protest @ UC Berkeley and I already heard him being called a fascist, as well as all Republicans and the entire state of Israel.
Harboring a Grudge
14 Sept 2017
13 Sept 2017
12 Sept 2017
Stand up
Sitting most of the day may lead to an early grave
Judgement Day for the entire nation
Is America Really a Good Place for Jewish Startups?
Trump gives hope to Jewish push for FEMA aid to houses of prayer
European Jewish Congress Calls for France to Root out ‘Societal Anti-Semitism’
Judgement Day for the entire nation
Is America Really a Good Place for Jewish Startups?
Trump gives hope to Jewish push for FEMA aid to houses of prayer
European Jewish Congress Calls for France to Root out ‘Societal Anti-Semitism’
11 Sept 2017
First to return
Palestinian Authority honors terrorists
טיפ וסגולה ליום מוצלח // כ' באלול
"ViShav Hashem Elokecha Es Shvuscha ViRechamecha Vishav Vikibetzcha Mikal HoAmim" - "Then Hashem WILL RETURN your captivity and have mercy upon you, and he WILL RETURN and gather you from your exile among the nations." Why does the Pasuk say that Hashem "WILL RETURN" those in captivity twice? Meshech Chochmah answers, that there will be two shifts of people who are returning from exile. The first group will be those who were yearning for the holiness of Eretz Yisroel all the years in Galus. They will be the first to return. The second group will be the ones who became comfortable in the Galus. They did not miss the Kedusha of Eretz Yisroel, and will only return at a later time.
Berkeley to offer counseling to snowflakes triggered by Shapiro visit
טיפ וסגולה ליום מוצלח // כ' באלול
"ViShav Hashem Elokecha Es Shvuscha ViRechamecha Vishav Vikibetzcha Mikal HoAmim" - "Then Hashem WILL RETURN your captivity and have mercy upon you, and he WILL RETURN and gather you from your exile among the nations." Why does the Pasuk say that Hashem "WILL RETURN" those in captivity twice? Meshech Chochmah answers, that there will be two shifts of people who are returning from exile. The first group will be those who were yearning for the holiness of Eretz Yisroel all the years in Galus. They will be the first to return. The second group will be the ones who became comfortable in the Galus. They did not miss the Kedusha of Eretz Yisroel, and will only return at a later time.
Berkeley to offer counseling to snowflakes triggered by Shapiro visit
10 Sept 2017
9 Sept 2017
8 Sept 2017
Gratitude is the attitude
New York Times Likens Israel to North Korea
NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) said that the treatment of a Hasidic rabbi and his family from Boro Park by a Vermont State Trooper is being investigated by the Internal Affairs Department of the Vermont State Police.
Time to Put Limits on Homework
Gratitude — A Key Torah Principle
NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) said that the treatment of a Hasidic rabbi and his family from Boro Park by a Vermont State Trooper is being investigated by the Internal Affairs Department of the Vermont State Police.
Time to Put Limits on Homework
Gratitude — A Key Torah Principle
7 Sept 2017
Hurricane Irma causes devastation across the Caribbean - There is an informative graphic at the end of the article showing the devastation that can occur based upon the category of hurricane.
Parashat Ki Tavo - Do We Appreciate the Value of a Mitzva
Two New Online Jewish Schools Begin Operating in Russia
Halachic Ramifications Of Severe Weather Challenges On Shabbos: State of Emergency to Keep Off Streets
Anti-Israel Rally at U. Illinois
Parashat Ki Tavo - Do We Appreciate the Value of a Mitzva
Two New Online Jewish Schools Begin Operating in Russia
Halachic Ramifications Of Severe Weather Challenges On Shabbos: State of Emergency to Keep Off Streets
Anti-Israel Rally at U. Illinois
6 Sept 2017
The blessings
Hamas Refuses Red Cross Request to See Israeli Captives
In the brachos it says (28:2) "U'Va'u Olecha Kol HaBrachos HaEileh V'Hisigucha"; The brachos will come on you and it will reach you. The Chasam Sofer asks, if the brachos come on you of course they reached you? He answers that Hashem gives us much bracha in our lives. What do we do with the riches he sends our way? Do we blow it on nonsense? Are the things we purchase transferable to the next world? When Hashem sends us bracha it must help us reach our goals or else it is not a bracha. Hashem promises that if we serve him with happiness we receive his material rewards we will spend it wisely making it a true bracha.
The Peril of Partisanship
In the brachos it says (28:2) "U'Va'u Olecha Kol HaBrachos HaEileh V'Hisigucha"; The brachos will come on you and it will reach you. The Chasam Sofer asks, if the brachos come on you of course they reached you? He answers that Hashem gives us much bracha in our lives. What do we do with the riches he sends our way? Do we blow it on nonsense? Are the things we purchase transferable to the next world? When Hashem sends us bracha it must help us reach our goals or else it is not a bracha. Hashem promises that if we serve him with happiness we receive his material rewards we will spend it wisely making it a true bracha.
The Peril of Partisanship
5 Sept 2017
NYT Writes 1300 Words About Dem Senator’s Corruption Trial Without Mentioning He’s A Democrat
Exposing an antisemitic fraud; Phillips: The Greater Danger is on the Left
Ronn Torossian has written an article for INN titled Center For Jewish History new CEO holds radical left viewpoints.
He raises the question, "The new CEO of the CJH thinks Israel should no longer exist as a Jewish State. What is he doing in this position?"
In an Algemeiner article, the new CEO is quoted, “When the library completed, it’ll be a remarkable repository of the riches of Jewish history, as well as Islamic history and culture,” he said.
Ki Savo
Exposing an antisemitic fraud; Phillips: The Greater Danger is on the Left
Ronn Torossian has written an article for INN titled Center For Jewish History new CEO holds radical left viewpoints.
He raises the question, "The new CEO of the CJH thinks Israel should no longer exist as a Jewish State. What is he doing in this position?"
In an Algemeiner article, the new CEO is quoted, “When the library completed, it’ll be a remarkable repository of the riches of Jewish history, as well as Islamic history and culture,” he said.
Ki Savo
4 Sept 2017
3 Sept 2017
The two mountains
Beloved Jewish Assemblyman Dies Of Cancer
When, How to Pay a Shadchan?
Touching Photo Stirs Hearts Amid Texas Devastation
"It will be when you will go over the Yarden, you will set up these 12 stones at Har Aivol, and you will build a Mizbayach and bring Korbonos and be happy there" R' Moshe Feinstein asks, why were the Mizbayach and all the festivities taking place at Har Aivol? Har Aivol was the mountain that the Levim faced when they said the curses (Rashi 27:12). It would have been more appropriate to have these festivities on Har Grizim - the mountain they faced when the Brachos were said?
R' Moshe answers, although the promise of Blessings can cause a person to head in the right direction, the Yetzer HaRa can still convince a person that the pleasure of sin will be greater than the pleasure of these blessings - causing the person to sin. This is not so concerning a curse. The power of threatening one to be cursed with terrible suffering if he sins, will overcome his desire to sin. It is therefore more appropriate to celebrate on Har Avol than Har Grizim, because the curses at Har Aivol had a greater effect on Klal Yisroel.
When, How to Pay a Shadchan?
Touching Photo Stirs Hearts Amid Texas Devastation
"It will be when you will go over the Yarden, you will set up these 12 stones at Har Aivol, and you will build a Mizbayach and bring Korbonos and be happy there" R' Moshe Feinstein asks, why were the Mizbayach and all the festivities taking place at Har Aivol? Har Aivol was the mountain that the Levim faced when they said the curses (Rashi 27:12). It would have been more appropriate to have these festivities on Har Grizim - the mountain they faced when the Brachos were said?
R' Moshe answers, although the promise of Blessings can cause a person to head in the right direction, the Yetzer HaRa can still convince a person that the pleasure of sin will be greater than the pleasure of these blessings - causing the person to sin. This is not so concerning a curse. The power of threatening one to be cursed with terrible suffering if he sins, will overcome his desire to sin. It is therefore more appropriate to celebrate on Har Avol than Har Grizim, because the curses at Har Aivol had a greater effect on Klal Yisroel.
2 Sept 2017
Day of Prayer
British Jewish centenarians celebrate 83rd wedding anniversary.
Husband says the secret to a happy marriage is to 'always agree with your wife.'
UC-Irvine Places Students for Justice in Palestine on Two-Year Probation for Protest
Cleveland Father Of Girls Critically Wounded In Crash Updates On Improvement In Their Condition
Upon coming to the Bais HaMikdash with Bikurim, we tell the Kohen (Ki Savo 26:3), "Higaditi Hayom Lashem Elokecha Ki Basi El HaAretz", I affirm today before Hashem, that I have arrived in the land. The Ponevezher Rov once asked when addressing a large crowd, "Is it only new immigrants who are commanded to bring Bikurim and not native born sons?"
He answered that we see from here that even people born and bred in Eretz Yisroel, or those that have been here for a very long time, must have the same excitement as a person who has newly arrived home from the galus. The feeling of coming home to Hashem's land must not dull over time. I myself, said the Ponevezher Rov, every time I return to Eretz Yisroel from abroad, it is brand new to me as if I have never been here before. (Shalal Rov)
For those of us to have made our way home, keep appreciating it and don't take it for granted. Wake up every morning and look outside and say, "Wow, I can't believe I am lucky enough to live here!"
Husband says the secret to a happy marriage is to 'always agree with your wife.'
UC-Irvine Places Students for Justice in Palestine on Two-Year Probation for Protest
Cleveland Father Of Girls Critically Wounded In Crash Updates On Improvement In Their Condition
Upon coming to the Bais HaMikdash with Bikurim, we tell the Kohen (Ki Savo 26:3), "Higaditi Hayom Lashem Elokecha Ki Basi El HaAretz", I affirm today before Hashem, that I have arrived in the land. The Ponevezher Rov once asked when addressing a large crowd, "Is it only new immigrants who are commanded to bring Bikurim and not native born sons?"
He answered that we see from here that even people born and bred in Eretz Yisroel, or those that have been here for a very long time, must have the same excitement as a person who has newly arrived home from the galus. The feeling of coming home to Hashem's land must not dull over time. I myself, said the Ponevezher Rov, every time I return to Eretz Yisroel from abroad, it is brand new to me as if I have never been here before. (Shalal Rov)
For those of us to have made our way home, keep appreciating it and don't take it for granted. Wake up every morning and look outside and say, "Wow, I can't believe I am lucky enough to live here!"
1 Sept 2017
Birds of a feather
United with Israel has written an article questioning the impartiality of HRW director Kenneth Roth.
The executive director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), one of the world’s leading human rights organizations, has posted a tweet linking to an article written by a Palestinian writer that equates Zionism with White Supremacy, calling them “birds of a feather.”
On August 22 Mr. Roth tweeted, "US says UN outing businesses complicit w/ " Israel's illegal settlement won't advance peace." He links to an article which you can read over here. No where in the article is the word "illegal" mentioned,
Former FBI director James Comey began drafting a statement clearing Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing in the bureau’s probe of her mishandling of classified material months before he met with the former Secretary and other key witnesses in the case.
Read more: http://100percentfedup.com/bombshell-fbis-comey-drafted-conclusion-clinton-email-probe-fbi-interviews-key-witnesses/
Parshas Ki TzeiTzei
The executive director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), one of the world’s leading human rights organizations, has posted a tweet linking to an article written by a Palestinian writer that equates Zionism with White Supremacy, calling them “birds of a feather.”

On August 22 Mr. Roth tweeted, "US says UN outing businesses complicit w/ " Israel's illegal settlement won't advance peace." He links to an article which you can read over here. No where in the article is the word "illegal" mentioned,
Former FBI director James Comey began drafting a statement clearing Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing in the bureau’s probe of her mishandling of classified material months before he met with the former Secretary and other key witnesses in the case.
Read more: http://100percentfedup.com/bombshell-fbis-comey-drafted-conclusion-clinton-email-probe-fbi-interviews-key-witnesses/
Parshas Ki TzeiTzei
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