עת צרה היא ליעקב
Kikar Hashabat has an article about the Torah Sages, including Rav Elyahsiv, Rav Steinman, Rav Wosner and Rav Kanievsky, issuing an impassioned plea that, in the wake of recent misfortunes, people should work on their middos and their Yiras Shamayim and should delve into sifrei Mussar. The article ends with a call to school principals, Rashei Yeshivot, homeowners, women and children to set aside time to learn from holy books which lead to a strengthening in Yiras Shamayim and good middos.
Here is a link to the first page of Mesilas Yesharim by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. Why not set aside a number of minutes and read what the author has to say? There are those who get lost on the intenet for hours, not knowing where the time went. Why not put it to good use?
Thank you for the link to Mesillath Yesharim. Bookmarked for further reference. Shavua Tov & Chodesh Tov - CDG, Yerushalayim