
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

26 Nov 2017

First the Eirev Rav

Thankful for Liberation From Nazis, French-Jewish Holocaust Survivor Donates $1 Million to Help US Military Veterans

טיפ וסגולה ליום מוצלח // ח' בכסלו

When Yaakov and the Shevatim met Eisav, the pasuk (Vayishlach 33:2) says that first came the Shfachos and their children, then came Le'ah and her children, then came Rochel and Yosef.

The Vilna Gaon says that this is a Remez to the Galus. First come the Eirev Rav who will be our leaders. They are represented by the Shfachos. Then come the well meaning Amei HaAretz represented by Le'ah. The Talmidei Chachom will be the lowest on the totem pole pushed around by all the unworthy people. This we see from V'Es Rochel V'Es Yosef Acharonim".


  1. Wow...what a Lesson!!!
    Am Israel Chai!!!

  2. Rabbi Perelson's shiur on antisemitism is absolutely priceless!! Thanks for posting. Every Jew in the world should watch this.
    R. Halevy
    P. Tikva, Israel
