
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

4 May 2017

The right way

Parashat Kedoshim: The Right Way to Criticize


A Nochri came to Hillel telling he wanted to learn the Torah very easily and quickly. Hillel told him "D'Alach Sani L'Chavrach Lo Sevid" whatever he doesn't like, he should not do to his friend. (Shabbos 31a). The Chidushei HaRim asks why didn't Hillel tell him what the Torah says, "V'Ahavta L'Rei'acha Kamocha" (Kedoshim 19:18).

He answers that the highest level of righteousness towards another that the human mind an fathom, is not to harm your neighbor. To understand that there is an obligation to "love" each and every person no matter what, is beyond human comprehension, unless you live Tachas Kanfei HaShechina. In order to draw this Nochri near to Hashem, Hillel needed to start with a concept that he was able to grasp. Once he did that and was drawn Tachas Kanfei HaShechina then Hillel could teach him the superhuman obligation of V'Ahavta L'Reiacha Kamocha.

The Mitzva of V'Ahavta is not simple and doesn't make any logical sense. However we live Tachas Kanfei HaShechina and therefore we have the capability to grasp it. Now its just a matter of mustering up the will and strength to actually do it.

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