
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

2 Feb 2017

Two times two times two

A few days ago I caught a video by Rabbi Daniel Coren in which he spoke about the importance of learning mishnayot. He said that he was forming a WhatsApp group where people would be able to learn two mishnayot a day. In addition, he also decided to post two mitzvot a day, as well as two halachot a day.
Since a couple of days ago, Rabbi Coren has posted on youtube, two mishnayot, two mitzvot and two halachot daily both in Hebrew, as well as English. In his "spare time" he also posts thoughts on the parsha.
Kol Hakavod to Rabbi Coren for utilizing his potential and the internet's potential to provide maximum benefit for mere mortals such as me who can only look upon all his endeavors with great awe. I wonder how one individual can accomplish so much. I wish him continued success and may he merit to have many following his learning schedule.
One can check out his videos by searching youtube for הרב דניאל קורן or Rabbi Daniel Coren. Below I  posted one video in English and one in Hebew from today's learning.

Baba David’s Roshei Teivos for Rav Shteinman

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