
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

7 Nov 2015


Munich mayor snubs Israel's request to cancel city-funded anti-Semitic BDS event

Toronto Jewish Leader Dr. Frank Dimant: "Foreign Affairs Minister’s remarks worrisome to friends of Israel.".

Tefilos Requested for Admor Who was Struck by a Vehicle on Motzei Shabbos


Family Research Council president Tony Perkins has been broadcasting his “Washington Watch” radio program from Israel this week, where he is helping to lead an FRC tour group. Also on the tour is former Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/bachmann-convert-many-jews-possible-because-christ-coming-soon#sthash.XPUeSXts.dpuf

Chazal tell us (Rashi Toldos 25:28) that the lentils Yaakov was cooking was because Avrohom had died. Although Avrohom was supposed to live 180 years, he life was cut short by five years so that he would not have to see his grandson Eisav's wicked ways.

Five years! When the Rosh Yeshiva of Radin the beloved Rav Naftali Trop was gravely ill, they held an appeal for people to donate part of their lives to extend the life of Rav Naftali. The boys donated years to save the Rosh Yeshiva. One person was sent in to the saintly Chofetz Chaim and asked him if, and how much he'd be willing to donate. The Chofetz Chaim said he would need to think about it. Later he called the person back and said that after deep thought he was willing to donate five minutes! By the Chofetz Chaim five minutes was eternity times 300. Yet, he was willing to part with it, for Reb Naftali, after serious contemplation.

Reb Yeruchom points out that a tzaddik's avodah becomes more and more precious with each passing day. The avodah of Avrohom at 175 years old, after everything he had gone through, was unimaginable. He could have soared to new heights in those five years. Yet, Hashem did him a great "favor" by taking away this opportunity in order not to see Eisav. This gives a small bit of insight into the depth of pain of watching a grandchild go off and certainly a child!

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