
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

27 Aug 2014

Chodesh Elul

YeranenYaakov pointed to me to a LifeinIsrael post about it being Aaron Sofer's birthday today and that his mother requested "that people please say perek bet of tehillim and in the zechut of a safe return for Aaron ben Chulda."

This morning I received an email from the Hakhel Email Community Awareness Bulletin which began with the following sentence.

1.  Rebbi Yisroel Salanter was known to say that “Truly the entire year you should feel like it is Elul--but in least in Elul you should feel like it is Elul!”

I also received the following quote in an email today.

More then the yetzer hara wants you to sin he wants you to be sad that you sinned. This will prevent you from doing more mitzvos; his true aim. (Tanya)

Montgomery County Police have issued an arrest warrant for a former employee of Benny’s Bar and Grill in Potomac, who is suspected of phoning death threats to the restaurant’s owner.
...The anonymous caller “made several threats to harm the owner and made anti-Semitic remarks,” the police report continued. “The suspect also told him to take his Israeli flag down from the restaurant.” http://washingtonjewishweek.com/15145/warrant-issued-for-suspected-death-threat-phone-caller/

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