
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

2 Jul 2014

The poster child

Nazi 'perfect Aryan' poster child was Jewish

Two decades ago the Jewish community united in support of landmark religious freedom legislation. Now the Supreme Court’s application of that law has Jewish groups divided.
Leading Jewish advocacy groups denounced the court’s 5-4 decision Monday in the Hobby Lobby case granting religious freedoms protections to companies, while Orthodox groups lauded the ruling.
Read more: http://www.jta.org/2014/07/01/news-opinion/politics/jewish-groups-stand-by-religious-freedom-law-but-supremes-take-divides-them#ixzz36GCYz3U9

On Monday, in a joint resolution, the NJ State Senate and Assembly unanimously declared July 1, 2014 as a “Day of Good Deeds” throughout the Garden State. This date was chosen to coincide with Hebrew date commemorating the 20th anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Scheerson, the most influential Jewish leader in modern history.

The following is an excerpt from the State Department briefing of July 1st.

QUESTION: Well, I guess – not to beat a dead horse, but --

MS. HARF: That’s probably not the right choice of words here.

QUESTION: Not the right choice of words, but I covered too many cases where children, for example, would disappear, there would be massive community outcry, and then it would turn out that a parent or another relative was responsible. I covered too many cases of women who disappeared and it turned out that their husbands were responsible for their murders. And so on.

And so to be skeptical, particularly when we’re talking about the Israelis and the Palestinians and the amount of mistrust that there is for both sides, why should the general public believe the Israeli Government and the U.S. Government when they say we have reason to believe, ample reason to believe that it was Hamas and not some other horrible incident that led to these young men’s deaths?

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