
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

8 Oct 2013

True laws

Chadrei Charedim requests anecdotes about HaRav Ovadia Yosef Z"l and begins with a story about a woman who visited the Rav, along with her father, when she was 19. In order to discredit her testimony, someone told the Rav, "but she studies law" to show that she was more modern.

Upon hearing hiw words the rav told the woman,
"שיהיה לך בהצלחה. רק תמיד תזכרי של מי החוקים האמיתיים".
He wished her hatzlacha, good luck but cautioned her to remember whose are the true laws.

Click here to read the article in Hebrew and to read additional comments posted about the Rav inluding an anecdote about a woman who wanted to abort her second child. Those who tried to convince her otherwise met with no success. It took the Rav 60 seconds to persuade her and she is grateful till today.

Speaking about true laws, Kikar Hashabat has an article about an Israeli singer who was speaking on the radio about a recent pesak halacha. He quoted from a facebook page which posts satirical pieces that make fun of halacha, not realizing that it wasn't true. An example of a satirical pesak halacha published recently spoke about how it is prohibited to remove one's skullcap, even when showering, or swimming at a separate beach.

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