
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

20 Aug 2013

The proselytizing campaign

The Baltimore Sun relates details about a mobile proselytizing campaign by "California-based Israel Restoration Ministries, founded by Tom Cantor, the president of Scantibodies Laboratory Inc., a medical products company based near San Diego."

...Cantor, who was born into a Jewish family in Los Angeles, said the expense of the missionary work is worth it, because "I am a Jew, I love my people. ... I don't want any of them going to hell...."
Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg of the Beth Tfiloh Congregation in Pikesville disagreed.
"You absolutely cannot be a Jew and a Buddhist or a Jew and a Muslim," Wohlberg said. He said if Cantor is so concerned about the welfare of Jews, he would do better to contribute money to Jewish nursing homes, soup kitchens and schools, rather than obsessing about Jewish souls.
"We don't see anything wrong with our soul," he said.
Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-county/bs-md-jews-conversion-20130818,0,1147501.story#ixzz2cXMMXha9

You can here him speak on YouTube about the need to evangelize Jews but you won't be able to leave a comment if you disagree.

Alternatively, you can listen to a fabulous video with a much more optimistic attitude about the Jewish nation in the video below.


  1. This is why Jewish education is probably the most important thing Jewish parents can do for their children. Forget everything else. Shows you what a lack of Jewish upbringing can lead to. If this 'Tom Cantor' is a full Jew and is now missionizing, which makes his sin even greater than just joining their beliefs, as he is now causing others to sin. This guy hasn't a clue of what a Jew is. Rabbi Wohlberg's response to him said it all. And, with wonderful videos as the one posted here with Rabbi Spalter, hopefully, it will bring back, at least, some lost Jewish soul.

    1. Amen. Unfortunately, Tom Cantor's parents divorced when he was one year old, according to his website and he had a hard childhood.
