
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

1 Nov 2012


Those living in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy, please check whether the eruv in your neighborhood will be operational on Shabbat.

Yesterday I spent some time with a friend of mine who is on a high spiritual level. There is no internet in her home and I happened to bring up an article I had read on the internet by a rabbi who had written about the hurricane. I told her that I didn't agree with something that he wrote and she asked me why I bothered to read his articles. She told me that just as Guardian readers get a skewed view on Israel after they read article upon article containing anti-Israel bias, so too, will I be affected by reading articles which contain distorted views.

Later that evening I was quite upset to read another article by the same individual in which he wrote about the hurricane and where personal responsibility was dismissed in terms of why bad things happen.

So, for those who read the article, click here to listen to Rabbi Eliezer Lerner's lecture which is titled Yisurim Shel Ahava: A Glimpse into the Meaning of Suffering in order to get an additional view.

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