
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

18 Jun 2012

Ten commandments

To many he is known as the "Ten Commandments" judge who was removed from office when he refused to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments he placed in the Alabama Supreme Court. courthouse. Now Judge Roy Moore is making news again for stating that secular governments enable Sharia law.
Read full article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/29/secularism-leads-to-sharia-law_n_1554106.html

Yitzchok Adlerstein has penned an article titled The Ten Commandments – The Sequel.

Here is a comment by David Aharon Lindzon posted under an article about the Tenth Commandment of "You shall not covet."
It seems to me that lo Tachmod is to be understood in a different way. To illustrate:

I want a wife that is like yours does NOT violate the law of Lo tachmod.

I want your wife does violate the law of Lo Tachmod.

In a deeper sense as was explained by PT Barnum, in The Art of Money Getting, the big sin is in 'the obsession to keep up with the 'Jonses'

Your neighbour buys a new leather sofa so you gotta buy one too. If you didn't see it in their home you would not consider buying it in the first place.

You get a raise. so you buy a new sofa, but that doesn't match so you gotta buy matching chairs ... then you gotta paint up the room to match... then you gotta redo the whole house or even move to a bigger house...ALL because of that first desire to copy your neighbours. She wears a mink stole. You gotta wear a Fur equal to her.

The Torah is reaching deep into your heart and thought to teach us how to live by not looking at everyone's else's things and letting it become an obsession.

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