
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

5 Jul 2011

The audacity of comparison

Ethan Bronner's piece in the New York Times about the Gaza flotilla begins with the following sentence.
"SOME see a parallel with the Exodus, the ship filled with Jewish refugees that tried to break the British blockade of Palestine in 1947 and helped sway world opinion toward Zionism."

Leo Rennert discusses the New York Times article in the American Thinker in an article titled NY Times likens pro-Hamas Audacity of Hope vessel with 1947 Jewish refugees ship, the Exodus.

One comment posted was the following:

Whenever you read or hear a mediapuke use the following phrases: "some say" "but critics charge" "but some believe" "but others say" or any permutations you can be sure that the aforementioned mediapuke is now injecting his/her/its own leftist opinion and that everything that will follow will be yet another piece of propaganda; devoid of any sense of balance, objectivity of journalistic integrity. Journalistic integrity? Please forgive my oxymoron, i don't know what i was thinking.

Finally, click here to read an Israel National News article about a new movie starring Colin Firth which won't portray Israel in the same light as that in the Exodus move.

In the NYT article, Mr. Bronner writes, "Shlomo Avineri, a historian and onetime director general of Israel’s foreign ministry, wrote in the Haaretz newspaper..."
Yesterday I blogged about hastening the arrival of the Mashiach. I think one sign that will portend his arrival will be when Mr. Bronner quotes from Israel National News rather than Haaretz.

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