
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

16 Oct 2010

Gratitude towards inanimate objects

Aaron, the older brother of Moses was the one to initiate the first three plagues.
"Our sages attribute Aaron's designation to the fact that both the river and the earth protected Moses.
...If Hashem insisted that Moses demonstrate his sense of gratitude, even to an inanimate object, how much more so must we show our appreciation to human beings. Furthermore, we must also think of the gratitude we owe Hashem, the source of all good. Our concern should not be from whom we have received a favor, or the value of that favor. Rather, our first and only consideration should be that we have benefited and we should show our gratitude."

Read full article: http://www.tfdixie.com/parshat/vaera/004.htm

This afternoon I was invited to a friend and conversation turned to her children who had a habit of not hanging their clothes back in the closet after wearing them. She told me and another friend that she always hung her clothes up properly to show a sense of appreciation to the items that had given her pleasure when she had worn them. If her daughter got a run in her stockings, she wouldn't let her daughter stretch the stocking to cause further damage telling her daughter that there was no need for further destruction. I was amazed by her feelings of gratitude towards an inanimate object and resolved to be better in emulating her actions.

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