
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

4 Jul 2010

Father knows best

"A father is obligated to do the following for his son: to circumcise him, to redeem him if he is a first born, to teach him Torah, to find him a wife, and to teach him a trade. Others say: teaching him how to swim as well."
Kiddushin 29A

The following are excerpts from a NYT wedding announcement.

Jenifer Lauren Steinhardt and Craig Benjamin Hollander are to be married Sunday evening at Beth El Congregation in Baltimore.
The couple were introduced by their fathers in March 2007, when Mr. Hollander’s father was his synagogue’s president and the bride’s father was the first vice president.
“They both had the brilliant idea,” Ms. Steinhardt said, adding that she was very reluctant about the whole thing.
Mr. Hollander also displayed little enthusiasm. “What are the odds you’re going to like your family’s friend’s daughter?” he said.
“My mom was very funny,” he recalled. “She pretended to look behind me, and said, ‘It’s funny, I just don’t see anyone else lining up for you.’ ”
...Ms. Steinhardt added: “We both resisted the introduction, but we both agree that fathers know best.”

She/he/I am taking a break from dating. I've recently heard that comment twice in the past few weeks. Yes, I realize that the dating process can be frustrating and it's very hard to face rejection after rejection or to go out on dates with someone entirely unsuitable. But, it only takes one. So, hang in there and be open for suggestions, from your parents, friends and shadchanim. Before you turn down the one that can be the bashert, ask yourself who's lining up for you. Take the chance. You might be pleasantly surprised.
And those doing the setting up. Make sure that it makes sense. Don't set up solely because he is a guy and she is a gal or that both are extremely tall. Take the time to do the research. A little while ago I read a forum about honesty in shidduchim. A young man complained to the shadchan. When you said that she is 24, I thought you meant her age, not her shoe size.
May those who are looking find their right matches easily and speedily. For those where the process is taking a bit longer - don't lose hope. Listen to the suggestion with open ears, particularly if it comes from your father.

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