
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

29 Nov 2009

A step in the right direction

I came across an opinion piece written by Avi Solomon about a new initiative in helping along shidduchim.
"Shidduch NetVision is a new method of dating where people who live far from one and another can date via a teleconference first to see if the date is worth pursuing."
There were comments posted about this new initiative, with some stating the idea was a good one, while others begged to differ. One of the comments posted was the following.
"I want to say that as someone who did some time in the shidduchim trenches too, I think this is a great idea…And I want to wish a big Yashar Koach to the people who organized it!!! This thing is not going to solve the shidduchim crisis, but I am sure it is a big step in the right direction…"
I recently spoke to a shadchan and asked her if she thought her job was getting harder as the years passed. She responded in the affirmative, saying that parents were getting so overprotective that they weren't allowing their children to meet to judge for themselves if the girl/boy was too quiet etc. One woman turned down a shidduch because she said the girl was too Swiss. (for example - I really don't know which country she was referring to, but the girl was too much of that country, whatever that means)
This evening, a friend of mine called and told me her daughter hosted two friends on Friday evening. One of the girls was engaged and getting married in a couple of months. My friend asked her how the shidduch was made. She told me that her friend's mother had received a call about a certian boy for her daughter. Realizing that the boy was not a match for her daughter, she said, "it's not for my daughter, but how about suggesting it to my daughter's friend? The rest, as they say, is history.
I was impressed by this woman who had the grace to think of others. The shidduch crisis is all too real, but with initiatives like Shidduch NetVision, and the efforts of a lone woman to help her daughter's friend, "it is a step in the right direction."

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