
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

18 Feb 2009

Guard your tongue

The following is an email I received today from the Chofetz Chaim heritage foundation:
"Three young Satmar Chassidim, on a promise of a free trip to daven in Lejensk, delivered a package to Japan- NOT KNOWING that a seemingly frum man would put their lives in danger by making them the transporters of illegal merchandise. And were caught and imprisoned.
Japan punish their prisoners in a most harsh manner.
The boys sit in separate, tiny cells, with no beds, no sunlight, no human interaction, no connection to the world for a day, another day of solitude, another 24 hours of loneliness, on and on and on...
It's been 11 MONTHS with no end in sight.
Yoel Zev ben Mirel Rissa Chava
Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel
Yosef ben Itta Rivka
Don't forget them!
Don't forget about Yossi, the youngest, who was not even eighteen when he arrived in Japan. Alone in his cell, without nary a chair, without enough room to stretch his legs, the thin blanket to sleep on taken away every morning. Yossi, who looks forward desperately to his haircut every 2 weeks so he can see another human being, whose skin is shriveling, whom those involved declare that it's a miracle that he is still sane, who hasn't seen his family in half a year. Yossi, who doesn't know if he has any hope for a future...
It is up to us, to Klal Yisrael's tefillos, to save them!
NOW is the time to start being more careful in Shmiras Halashon as a Zchus for our suffering brothers.
And don't forget to keep davening for their yeshua every day!!!!!!"

This morning I read the two halachos in "Guard your tongue" by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin which are to be learned according to the daily calendar established by Harav Segal zt"l of Manchester.
Chapter 2, halacha 3 deals with laws concerning loshon hora that is common knowledge.
Rabbi Pliskin writes "Therefore: Even Loshon Hora that is well-known should not be repeated."
He ends the halacha with an example, "Mr. Gold read in the New York Times that Mr. Cohen was arrested for an infringement of the law. Even though this is obviously well-known, Mr. Gold should not relate this information to others."

Today, in the merit of the boys who are in prison in Japan, I will endeavour to stay off all websites which contain loshon hora.

1 comment:

  1. Which websites don't contain loshon hora?
